Araquanid Pokémon: How to catch, Stats, Moves, Strength, Weakness, Trivia, FAQs (2025)

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Araquanid Pokémon: How to catch, Stats, Moves, Strength, Weakness, Trivia, FAQs (5)

    • Pokemon News
    • Araquanid Pokémon: How to catch, Stats, Moves, Strength, Weakness, Trivia, FAQs

    By SK Desk

    Last Modified Dec 13, 2021 09:01 GMT

    Araquanid is a Water Bug dual type Pokemon introduced in Generation VII and it evolves from Dewpider at level 22. It is known as the Water Bubble Pokemon and has a 50% chance of spawning as either male or female. Araquanid stands nearly six feet tall and weighs about 180 pounds, making it a relatively tall Pokemon.

    Araquanid Pokémon: How to catch, Stats, Moves, Strength, Weakness, Trivia, FAQs (7)

    About Araquanid

    Araquanid Pokémon: How to catch, Stats, Moves, Strength, Weakness, Trivia, FAQs (8)

    First appearance in animeOriginal Series: Dewpider Ascending!
    First appearance in gameSun and Moon
    Region Alola
    Evolution Dewpider → Araquanid
    1st Evo level22
    2nd Evo levelN/A
    Pokedex EntryIt launches water bubbles with its legs, drowning prey within the bubbles. This Pokémon can then take its time to savor its meal. It acts as a caretaker for Dewpider, putting them inside its bubble and letting them eat any leftover food.

    Araquanid Base stats

    SP. ATTACK50
    SP. DEFENCE132


    Araquanid is a large, arachnoid Pokemon and it has a bubble of water surrounding its head. It is mostly dark grey, but has blue eyes and markings on its face. Its limbs are also green in the middle. It has four fang-like teeth coming out of the bottom of its face. It has a light green spinneret at the end of its abdomen and it has six legs instead of eight like a spider.


    Araquanid uses its bubble of water around its head for offense and defense. It uses it to headbutt enemies and small Pokemon can actually get trapped inside it and drown. Subdued prey can be stored inside and saved for when an Araquanid is hungry. It also brings weak Pokemon and valuable items inside the bubble to protect them.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    As a Water and Bug type Pokémon, Araquanid is weak against Flying, Rock and Electric type moves, and takes twice the normal damage from them. It is not immune to any type Pokemon but is resistant to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water and Ice types, which will do half the damage. There is no advantage or disadvantage with Normal, Psychic, Poison, Dragon, Dark, Bug, Ghost, Fire, Fairy and Grass type Pokemon.

    Best moveset

    Araquanid has a lot of strong moves including Blizzard, which is a move that has 110 power and 70% accuracy. Here are Araquanid’s best moves; Blizzard has 70% accuracy but a 10% chance to freeze the target but it also cannot miss in hail. Leech Life has 80 power and gives half of the HP taken back to the user. Liquidation has 100% accuracy and a 20% chance to lower the target’s defense by 1. Crunch has 100% accuracy and a 20% chance to lower the target’s defense by 1.

    Leech LifeCrunch

    How to catch Araquanid in Pokemon Go?

    Araquanid (and Dewpider) is currently not in Pokemon Go as curiously, Niantic has (at least temporarily) skipped over Generation VII. All Generations up through VI have been added and more recently, Generation VIII and the Galarian forms of other Pokemon have been added as well. Alolan forms of some Pokemon have made it but no Pokemon that first appeared in Alola are in the game right now. They will likely eventually make it, but haven’t yet.


    1. Araquanid can be seen as a counterpart to Masquerain. They are both Bug type Pokemon and have the same base stat totals of 454. They are found at the same places in Sun and Moon, alternating between day and night spawns.
    2. Araquanid appears to be based on the diving bell spider.
    3. Araquanid is the combination of the words arachnid and aqua (water).


    How big is Araquanid?

    Araquanid is relatively large, at least in height. It stands nearly six feet, at the unfortunate height of 5’11. It weighs 180.8 pounds, too. Dewpider is significantly smaller at one foot even and a measly 8.8 pounds, so the evolution serves it well.

    Is Araquanid in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

    Yes. Araquanid can be found in several places in Pokemon Sword and Shield: Lake of Outrage, Stony Wilderness, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Bridge Field. It is most commonly found at the Lake of Outrage with a 25% chance of spawning during Rainy weather.

    Is there a shiny Araquanid?

    Yes. The shiny Araquanid trades out the blue eyes and face markings for red and has purple limbs instead of the typical green.


    Araquanid is a great Pokemon to have. The dual typing gives it several advantages and it has access to several really good moves. Its base stat total is great for battling, too, especially if looking for a defensive Pokemon. Once it finally makes it into Pokemon Go, it will be a huge addition to the game there, too.

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